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Loving Monday: The Inspiration of Friends

loving_mondayI am lucky. I have great friends.

I am experiencing the inspiration of friends today.

Friends can be a lot of good things. Friends can be support. Friends can be courage. Friends can be acceptance. Friends can be play.

Here’s the deal when it comes to a friend being an inspiration.

They do not tell you what you need to do, but you go away wanting to do something. They do not tell you what to think, but you go away thinking more… and more honestly. They don’t draw conclusions or provide answers, but raise issues and pose questions.

What is going on, then?

A good friend knows you and leaves room for you to show up as yourself.

A good friend is confident that when you show up as yourself, good things are going to happen. No… great things are going to happen.

The inspiration of friends has the effect of you and I believing in ourselves as much as they do.

The inspiration of friends has the effect of freeing us to act more boldly on our convictions, our decisions, and/or our hunches.

Excuse me now. I have been inspired by a friend, and there are some things I need to do right away!

On your side,

- Karl Edwards

Loving Monday is a weekly column designed to encourage us to step into our weeks with an intention to show up authentically, engage fully, and choose to make it a good week for ourselves. Explore past columns here.

Here's My Thought...

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