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Listen In -> Bold Resolutions for the New Year #1: Too Much Fear, Caution and Passivity

Doesn’t it seem like everyone is waiting? Waiting for the economy to improve before making important decisions.

The problem with everyone waiting is that leaves no one taking actions that might stimulate the economy.

No one wants to take the first step, which, while understandable, leaves open the possibility (which is currently being realized) that no first steps are being taken.

This week Claudia and I begin a new series entitled Bold Resolutions for the New Year.

Let’s use the tool of setting New Year’s resolutions as a means for taking the initiative, making some decisions, and taking concrete action… even if it seems like we’re the only ones.

How can we be bold without being rash or impulsive?

We certainly don’t want to repeat the mistakes that landed us in the economic mess of the past several years!

Are there ways to be both bold and responsible?

Bold Resolutions for the New Year
Week #1: Too Much Fear, Caution, and Passivity
Week #2: Think Outside the Box
Week #3: Build a Team, Not Fill a Job
Week #4: Create Your Own Opportunities
Week #5: Rethink Failure

Listen in.

Here's My Thought...

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