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Loving Monday: Kids Pulling in Different Directions

loving_mondayImagine that each of the tasks you need to complete today is a small child pulling at your arms. Not only pulling, but all pulling in different directions.

Being small children they are not reasoning with you calmly or waiting patiently to take turns. They are screaming and begging and tugging for all they’re worth.

No matter which child (task) you choose to go with, all the others are going to scream and pull all the harder.

You don’t stand a chance. You lose no matter what you choose.

And so some of us try to go in all directions at once. Give a little something to every child.

You can see what is going to happen. Pulled in every direction, you go nowhere at all.

We need to do one thing at a time. This involves making a choice.

We need to address the angry, screaming “kids” who have to wait. This involves a conversation.

When we are willing to choose and converse, we put ourselves in a position to make concrete progress on our to-do list.

Working on one thing at a time allows us to focus and follow through. No partial efforts. No incomplete processes. No hanging decisions.

Conversing with the other, unchosen priorities (whether people on the team or voices in our heads) allows us to assure them of their importance so that they don’t need to kick and scream in order to be noticed.

Next time you have a to-do list longer than Santa’s, imagine yourself in the center of a group of screaming children pulling you in all directions at once.

The fantasy of being able to actually move in every direction at once quickly explodes. (Hopefully in laughter.)

Make a choice and have a conversation.

You’ll be amazed at how much you get done today.

On your side,

- Karl Edwards

Loving Monday is a weekly column designed to encourage us to step into our weeks with an intention to show up authentically, engage fully, and choose to make it a good week for ourselves. Explore past columns here.

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