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Listen In -> Lies and Myths We Believe About Work #3: You Have to Prove Yourself First

This week’s lie would have us believe that we should prove our ability even though no opportunity has been afforded us to do so.

How’s that for being caught between a rock and a hard place?!

They’ll consider us for a supervisor role once we’ve proved that we can supervise. We can manage the budget once we can show a budget we’ve successfully managed.

Join Claudia and I as we look into yet another career-wasting trap: “You have to prove yourself first.”

Earning someone’s trust or building someone else’s confidence in your capabilities can be a no-win predicament. While you can work hard, learn quickly, and offer excellence, you can never control what makes another person willing to trust.

Some people simply do not trust easily. Some people never trust anyone other than themselves. If you have one of these people as your boss, you could be spinning your wheels trying to prove yourself.

They benefit from the extra efforts you invest, while you continue to wonder how high you need to jump.

Stop wondering and join the conversation here on Working Matters.

Listen in.

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Here's My Thought...

7 − = five