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Loving Monday: Loving Freedom

loving_mondayMany of us Americans are off of work today.

The 4th of July falling on Sunday results in most workplaces granting a holiday on Monday.

It seems fitting to acknowledge that our conversations about work, careers, and the choices that meaningful and rewarding experiences of each entail, are only possible in a free society.

Freedom and security create the opportunity we have of hard-working, fun-loving teams of energetic, engaged and dedicated individuals designing workplace cultures that bring them alive during the day, provide for their families during the week and transform the world over time.

Even when the worst of work life in America is experienced, there are means for getting help dealing with a bad boss, a stale career,  exploitative practices, and/or criminal excesses.

And so we celebrate Independence Day with the conscious intention of both treasuring and seizing the opportunities our freedom has bought for us.

Loving Monday is loving freedom. It’s great to have a day off of work, and it will be great to get back to work.

Happy Birthday, America!

Here's My Thought...

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