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Plato As Prophet of Economic Hope?

insightful-linkPlato asserted, “Necessity is the mother of all invention,” and did so quite a long time ago.

It seems his maxim continues to hold true in the harsh realities of 21st century economic upheaval given Jeff Stibel’s interesting historical survey. Check out his blog post titled, 2009 Will Be an Economic Engine of Change.

Stibel asserts, “2009 is shaping up to be a trigger for an unprecedented surge of innovation that may be one of the most important turning points in the last 100 years… Times of economic contraction create dislocation in free markets. Smart entrepreneurs recognize this market opportunity and create ‘engines of change.'”

In one sense you may have experienced great pain this past year in terms of job loss or undermined financial security. In another sense, your need may strangely force you (free you?) to search out, spot and act upon opportunities you would not otherwise have noticed or done.

How might we develop eyes and ears for unearthing and creating our own opportunities in this time of dislocation and upheaval?

On your side,

- Karl Edwards

2 Responses to “Plato As Prophet of Economic Hope?”

  1. real live preacher Says:

    I’ve noticed the opposite is true as well. Invention is often the mother of necessity. Don’t believe me? Try living without your mobile phone. ;-)

  2. Karl Edwards Says:

    Too funny. So true.
    I don’t think I’m able to listen to music by a single artist in a fixed order anymore either.

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