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Loving Monday: Looking Forward to Whom?

Whom are you looking forward to seeing this week?

Who believes in you, appreciates you, or simply accepts you as you are?

Who will make you laugh, help you out, or take you at your word?

Finding people at work we look forward to seeing is a crucial component of loving Monday. The work itself may get complex, stressful and/or overwhelming. But if there is a relationship or two that can make you smile, go the extra mile with you, or you can’t go without seeing, then you’ll be surprised at where the energy will come from to get out of bed and get yourself moving in the morning.

Coming back to people who are important to you can make Mondays a highlight.

What stories from this past weekend did you come into this morning?

4 Responses to “Loving Monday: Looking Forward to Whom?”

  1. david Says:

    I like what you said, because i need to gravitate toward those people. Too often the negative people weigh on me more. I have far more people who care for me and my abilities than those that don’t. So why give the naysayers prominence in my mind?


  2. Karl Edwards Says:

    “Weigh on me…” is such an evocative description.
    I often wonder why I give “weight” to negative words that arise, more often than not, out of the speaker’s personal issues than the facts.
    Good to know there’s someone else out there acknowledging that we have a choice! Let me know if there’s any way I can be an encouragement.
    Thanks for your work at Red Letter Believers!

  3. Marcus Goodyear Says:

    I’m looking forward to choosing to be around positive people this week. And when I have to be around the people who get me down, I’m going to go into those meetings like a duck expecting to get water poured on its back.

  4. Karl Edwards Says:

    Another great image… water off a duck’s back. We’re going to have to request submissions for descriptions with the most vivid, visceral, evocative language.

    You’re always welcome here, Marcus.

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