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Are You Blogging… Yet?

“Yet” being the key word, because in one form or another, we are all developing content,
holding conversations, sharing ideas, and collaborating all of the time already.

It is now becoming easier, faster and cheaper on an exponential scale. Check out Chris Cree’s comparison to the revolution (I would say cultural transformation) caused by the Gutenberg Press. His insights on speed, price, distribution and participation are cause for pause.

More than a fashionable trend or a badge of technological prowess, online interaction is transforming content, communication, community, and collaboration.

Watch for coming announcements at Bold Enterprises.com expanding your online learning and collaborating options! (Do you have a Goals Journal yet?)

On your side,

– Karl

3 Responses to “Are You Blogging… Yet?”

  1. Mark Goodyear Says:

    Chris’ comparison to Gutenberg is spot on.

    It reminds me of something I read in the notes for the O’Reilly Tools of Change conference. It’s a quote from Renato Rosaldo: “roughly during the first century after Gutenberg’s invention, print did as much to perpetuate blatant errors as it did to spread enlightened truth.”

    As much as I love blogging and social media, I need these reminders to proceed with caution and integrity. All we have here is the trust we build.

  2. Karl Edwards Says:

    The arithmetically more hearts and minds we can get into the conversation about life and work, the exponentially more creative thinking we’ll all benefit from in order to better navigate an increasingly complex world.

    I think the risk of any downside is worth it. Thanks for pointing it out. Awareness is 90% of the battle.

  3. Ellenae Says:

    i am gonna show this to my friend, man

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