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Angry Conversations with God by Susan Isaacs

I don’t usually write posts on my personal reading, but I have to give a public nod to comedian Susan Isaacs.

Anyone with a personal spirituality will love Angry Conversations with God.

Anyone who’s sworn never to have a personal spirituality will love Angry Conversations with God.

Creativity kudos for taking God to couples therapy! It’s about time too. (I wouldn’t be surprised if an entirely new genre of therapy emerges out of this.)

I’m not usually attracted to memoirs (i.e. listening in on someone else’s story.) But Isaacs does such a great job telling her story that I was able to both “feel her pain,” so to speak, on the one hand, as well as connect deeply to my own relationship with God on the other.

This book is both hilarious and touching. Authentic to her private experience as well as profoundly insightful about what we all experience.

If you want a good laugh while brushing up against some of life’s most intimate, turbulent, and significant issues, then sit down with Susan Isaacs. You might end up taking God to couples therapy too!

Here's My Thought...

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