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Loving Monday: Celebrating Vacation Season

loving_mondaySummer Monday. It’s vacation season. 

Extra coordination for you. People taking off for weeks at a time. Others taking a day here and a day there.

Distracted minds on the floor. Dreaming of upcoming excursions. Making plans. Working out the practical details.

Vacation season is to be expected. However complicated or frustrating in its details, it returns every year sure as the sunrise.

Some supervisors resist and fight vacation season. They experience vacation requests as rude and annoying interruptions in an otherwise smooth running schedule.

As a result they routinely deny vacation requests. The impose onerous preparation prerequisites for being away to avoid any impact on the rest of the team.

Other supervisors celebrate vacation season. Their staff are about to get some much-needed rest and renewal. The outcome of which will be new energy, reengaged spirits and enhanced motivation.

One group of employees returns refreshed and engaged. The other group returns bitter and self-protective.

As complicated and frustrating as coordinating these summer months of vacation season may be, those leaders who welcome and accommodate the season will get to the other side in much better shape than those who resist and fight it.

Summer Monday. Who’s missing on your team?

Try celebrating their vacation instead of resenting it. You’ll be better off, they’ll be better off, and I promise you the bottom line will be better off too.

On your side,

- Karl Edwards

Loving Monday is a weekly column designed to encourage us to step into our weeks with an intention to show up authentically, engage fully, and choose to make it a good week for ourselves. Explore past columns here.

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