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No Excuses Leadership

An experience for those of us who want more out of our working life and are tired of the same problems. Here are several opportunities to break free from the rut, stop placing blame elsewhere, and make a difference at work.


Private Leadership Coaching

What virtue is their in struggling alone? Complete your team by having an objective sounding board, a creative thinker and a practical implementer at your side who’s sole responsibility is your success.


No Excuses WORKout: Performance Coaching for Busy Professionals

A high involvement coaching and peer learning experience. Structured, interactive dialogue, focused discussion, meaningful reading and resources, and one-on-one coaching.

Thought Leaders Unpacked

Learn from the top thinkers and practitioners in the field, but in the context of your own leadership challenges. Guided interactions and thought-provoking studies addressing the strategic issues facing your organization.


Unmasking the Hidden Potential of Problems in the Workplace

Learn to use the very challenges holding your business back to propel you forward. You will discover an invaluable set of reframing skills, explore five vital leadership lenses, and tap into six core motivational perspectives.


Daily Focus Pads

Turn the phone off. Don’t turn the computer on. Before the day’s demands have a chance to harass you, divert you or demoralize you… pause… and take stock of what is most important today.


No Excuses Leadership
Surviving a Bad Boss
Be intentional about moving forward professionally.