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Loving Monday: Which is More Work?

loving_mondayWhich is more work: giving yourself fully to the task at hand or holding back?

It’s a open question. It’s also a loaded question.

My suspicion is that holding back takes more effort than working hard.

Holding back requires constant reflection. “How much is just enough?” “Am I putting in more than I’m being paid for?” “Is anyone watching?” “What time is it now?”

Giving your all requires no extra effort and involves no mind games. You simply go for it.

You’re free and focused to a degree unavailable to the person holding back.

Think about your own approach to work and working hard. Which days go by the quickest? On which days do you experience the greatest sense of achievement?

Why begrudge going the proverbial “extra mile” with someone when I imagine we’d have already gone the extra mile and come back by the time we sweated through whether we were being taken advantage of or exceeded the requirements of our job description or won’t be appropriately appreciated.

You can hold back if you choose. It may be appropriate. It may be fair. It may be justified. But it will certainly be a lot more work.

Loving Monday is a weekly column designed to encourage us to step into our weeks with an intention to show up authentically, engage fully, and choose to make it a good week for ourselves. Explore past columns here.

Here's My Thought...

seven × = 49