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Listen In -> Planning Yourself Out of Career Suicide #4: Structure

Ah life.

Yes, it does come down to making real choices in real time.

In this week’s show, Claudia look at how setting goals can help us structure our choices.

Instead of slowly and painfully suffocating in your current position, try setting one goal for yourself in three simple areas.

  1. Professional goal. A challenging contribution to the mission of the organization.
  2. Personal development goal. Tend to your own learning, growing, and maturing as a person.
  3. Relational goal. Make and deepen connections via networking, mentoring or collaboration opportunities.

Working toward these three goals will give you a meaningful and rewarding reason for staying in your current position.

When it is no longer possible to set a goal in any of these three areas, you then have a basis for making a move to another company or another field.

Listen in.

Here's My Thought...

× 2 = sixteen