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Listen In -> Planning Yourself Out of Career Suicide #3: Criteria

After opening up so many possibilities by exploring clues last week, we now need a way to make choices. We need to go somewhere in particular instead of everywhere in general.

What makes work meaningful and rewarding to you?

The answer to that question is different for each of us.

You may be looking for a particular role. You may want to fund a certain lifestyle. You may want to continually expand your responsibilities. You may want to leave work at the office at 5:00 p.m. You may be drawn to a certain industry.

The key is to be able to articulate (to yourself) your criteria for making your next decision.

Join Claudia and I as we discuss the value of knowing your criteria for making career decisions and the risks of not doing so.

Listen in.

Here's My Thought...

two + = 4