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Working with Unworkable Ideas?

Have you ever been blamed for failing to implement an unworkable idea? Many leaders are strong idea people, but they may not be strong on implementation. Too often, they believe an idea should come to life exactly as it exists in their imaginations. While related, vision and implementation are different animals. Visions are ideal, principled, exciting. Implementation is complex, pragmatic, messy.

And so implementation is usually a disappointment to these leaders. When you warn them that their original idea has problems, they often react with defensive accusations. “You’re resistant to change.” “You’re not a team player.” Or simply, “You’re not up to the job.”

You can head off this sort of situation. Distinguish between the merits of the idea itself and the issues its implementation present. Present yourself as a supportive advocate of the leader’s idea.

Then, speak as an expert would, calmly and securely. After all, you are the expert implementer. You come as one committed to the leader’s success and want to point out what will not result in success. In this way your concerns are framed in the form of loyalty and support.

Instead of being misperceived as the complaining resister, you become the rescuing hero. All right, maybe not a hero. But at least a competent team player committed to the company’s success.

Here's My Thought...

5 × = thirty five