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Loving Monday: Knowing What You Want

What do you want out of this week?

Anything at all. Do you know?

Don’t filter. Take five and brainstorm freely.

Do you want to finish a project? Do you want to broach an awkward subject? Do you want to hear someone say, “Thank you?” Do you want to design something new? Do you want to approach a problem differently? Do you want to have a clean desk? Do you want an uninterrupted afternoon? Do you want to go home early? Do you want to work more collaboratively? Do you want to avoid a boring meeting? Do you want to tell someone they’re special to you? Do you want to fire a client?

Anything. Get it out. Write it down. Carry it with you discreetly or post it where everyone can see it.

And then go for it. Aim for it. Make it happen. Do it. Try it. Take a step toward it.

Let something… let just one thing you want inspire you this week.

Post a comment letting us know what you want out of this week.

On your side,

- Karl

Here's My Thought...

six − = 3