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Loving Monday: Adjust or Die

loving_mondayMelodramatic? Maybe.

What do you do when you aren’t getting the results you want?

The results of your leadership style. The results from your sales strategy. The results from your planning efforts. The results of your tireless efforts.

Some goals are so important that you can’t, won’t and shouldn’t give up on them. But to continue proceeding toward those goals in a way that is not working is as counter-productive as giving up altogether.

The space in between giving up altogether and doggedly pushing ahead is where there is room for adjusting.

We have to try new things. Do things differently. Redescribe the outcomes. Reframe the issues. Rethink our approach.

We have to be willing to adjust.

Adjusting is a project-saving, if not a life-saving, form of flexibility. The ability to adjust injects learning right into the bloodstream of our organizations. Learning on the job, on the fly, in the moment, when it counts, when learning can make a difference.

The alternative is analogous to Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill only to have it roll back down every time. Frustrating, exhausting, futile.

If you’re not seeing any alternative to either giving up or pushing the next boulder up the hill, give a call. Let’s take a look at what you’re doing and unearth the possibilities that you’re not seeing from your current vantage point.

It’s probably time to make an adjustment.

On your side,

- Karl

Here's My Thought...

7 − = five