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Loving Monday: Back in the Saddle. Back in Touch.

loving_mondayReality occasionally feels like a cold slap across the face.

Returning from vacation can be one of those occasions. Returning from my vacation is currently that sort of occasion.

Between the email, voice mail, and snail mail alone, there is more to catch up on than hours in the day. There are projects to resume, events to prepare, articles to write.

The priorities shouting for attention can be overwhelming.

But I begin with reconnecting. Getting back in touch.

Acknowledging messages, letting people know I am back, reestablishing my presence.

I am effective to the extent that those around me believe that I am available and on their side. After an absence like a vacation, reconnecting lets people know I’m back, I’m available, I care.

Been out of town? Out of touch? Difficult to contact?

Spend the best part of your day getting back in touch. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how it helps everyone involved.

Here's My Thought...

× three = 24