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Loving Monday: A Gift To Myself

loving_mondayToday is full of people.

I like it that way.

I could have spread out the appointments more evenly throughout the week. But I didn’t.

On purpose.

I‘m giving myself a gift. The gift of a delightful day full of people. Renewing an old connection, exploring a new connection, and enjoying a deepening connection are all part of the mix.

In the midst of the challenges, the craziness, the musts and the shoulds that I face on an ordinary basis, I arranged things so that I could enjoy a full day of people.

What sort of work-based gift could you give to yourself?

For some it might be a day to set aside all distractions, send the phone to voice mail, close the door and focus on a single project. Maybe dedicating an afternoon to getting organized and clearing away clutter would infuse new life into your work-weary soul.

We don’t have to do things the same way every day. We don’t have to make room for everything all of the time.

What if we structured our work in such a way that we gave ourselves an occasional day where our only responsibility was to enjoy our favorite part of our job? We might find that we have more energy to face the less enjoyable parts of our job.

Today is a people day for me. I organized it that way. What might it be for you?

Here's My Thought...

− 3 = four