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Stop By and Say Hi

This week we’re asking those of you listening to our podcast to stop by and say hi.

Many of you are listening via an iTunes subscription or a feed reader, and we haven’t had a chance to meet.

Leave a comment on this post letting us know who you are and where you’re located.

We’d love to acknowledge you and greet you in return. We appreciate your participation in the Working Matters community.

On your side,

The Working Matters podcast team

- Karl, Claudia and Jorge

4 Responses to “Stop By and Say Hi”

  1. Marcus Goodyear Says:


  2. Thomas Brown Says:

    Hey Karl, Claudia and Jorge,

    Good job, you guys!

    Have you seen this in the WSJ?: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122426318874844933.html. In an earlier podcast you covered performance reviews. This article advocates eliminating them altogether!

  3. Karl Edwards Says:

    A greeting from you is worth a hundred times its weight in gold.

  4. Karl Edwards Says:

    Thanks for the good word. Thanks also for the WSJ article. I may even have to post a link to it in a designated blog post.

    I’ve been working to get people to use the performance review cycle more collaboratively and with more across-the-table direct communication. The radical alternative of doing away with them altogether is worth a hard think; if for no other reason than to catalyze their radical reform.

    Sure appreciate you!

Here's My Thought...

four + = 8