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Loving Monday: Shake It Off

loving_mondayI’m out of my routine.

Not that I’m much of a person of routine, but even I feel adrift.

This week was already structured. It was structured around an out-of-town visitor who is not coming to town after all. It was structured around certain tasks from last week being completed… which they are not.

I find myself having to practice what I preach… I have to adjust.

I could let it be discombubalating (yes, that is a word). Or I could quickly settle on a new structure.

It’s easy to allow oneself to be thrown for a loop by unexpected changes. The mind is still trying to figure out what happened, trying to recover what should have a happened, and speculating on what might have happened next.

The sooner we can settle on what we choose to happen, the sooner we can be on our way and back to effectiveness.

I don’t need to start my planning all over again. I simply need to make an adjustment. I simply need to make another choice. I simply need to make my next choice.

The longer I dwell on the changes and their effect on me, the greater their effect will be and the longer it will take to return to effectiveness.

I‘m going to shake this off and begin a different project now.

Let me know how your Monday morning adjustment went.

Loving Monday is a weekly column designed to encourage us to step into our weeks with an intention to show up authentically, engage fully, and choose to make it a good week for ourselves. Explore past columns here.

Here's My Thought...

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