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Loving Monday: February 1st… Let’s Get Started!

loving_mondayFebruary 1st is the real beginning of the year.

January 1st is the calendar start of the year. February 1st is the practical beginning of the year.

The holiday festivities and hangovers are finally behind us. Our idealistic New Year’s Resolutions are a distant memory.

Desk-CalendarSome of us are startled by how February was able to sneak up on us. “Oh <insert your favorite expletive here>!” we blast. “Where did January go?”

Instead of condemning ourselves for letting an entire month slip by, I suggest simply designating February the official beginning of the “practical year.”

Oh yes, some of you are well into your year, and you are to be congratulated. (However begrudgingly.) This reflection is not intended for you.

For many of us, though, the beginning of February marks an opportunity to turn the “I shoulds” and “I wants” of January into the concrete “I wills” of February.

February 1st offers the opportunity to make and own a new decision… the decision to turn our ideas into action. Our goals into plans. Our to-do lists into accomplishments. Our “I’ll start it tomorrow” into “I’ll finish it today.”

It’s the beginning of a new month. It’s also Monday. The perfect combination to make just such an adjustment. Given that February is the “practical” beginning of the year, let’s get started!

On your side,

- Karl Edwards

Here's My Thought...

four + = 8