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Loving Monday: Authentic and Engaged

Whatever happens this week, you have a choice. You get to choose how you will respond.

That’s quite a bit of power when you stop to think about it.

Just knowing we control our own responses is a big relief and a boost of confidence for many of us. It’s a nice reminder to receive every so often.

So what might that response look like? Some responses are more effective than others. I’m learning that we can experience a certain amount of peace in good circumstances and bad when our responses are authentic and engaged.

Be ourselves and be involved.

Sound simple? It is. The situation may not be simple. The series of choices you next need to make may not be simple. But if you can be true to yourself and resist withdrawing, side-stepping or otherwise avoiding the people and challenges that come your way, I promise you will feel much better about both yourself and your work this week.

On your side,

– Karl

2 Responses to “Loving Monday: Authentic and Engaged”

  1. Ellen Weber Says:

    Thanks for the great post, Karl. I like the notion of being true to ourselves and you inspire just that! I’d add also be good to ourselves. This helps us to be true to others and good to others in ways that spins into a prosperous cloak, I’ve found again and again. Thanks for the reminder Karl! It was fun to find your site.

  2. Karl Edwards Says:


    Excellent point. Being good to oneself and others also has the potential to reframe (if not transform) a difficult or negative circumstance into something meaningful. Thank you!

    – Karl

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